Welcome to my personal website!

I'm Mohammed, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California Merced (UCM), USA. I expect to graduate in August 2024. My primary research interests lie in graph/geometric machine learning and optimization. More specifically, I am investigating the robustness of graph neural networks. I develop convex and non convex optimization based methods to attack and defense GNNs. I also develop optimization methods based on matrix factorization to study drugs and small molecules.

I completed my master's degree in Applied Mathematics at UCM. Additionally, I hold another master's degree in Scientific Computing from An-Najah National University, along with a bachelor's degree in Physics. My interdisciplinary journey unfolds at the intersection of science and innovation. I apply my methods to unravel the intricacies of proteins, drugs, and small molecules, with the dual goal of expanding knowledge and revolutionizing practical applications.

Education & Academic Affiliations
Education & Academic Affiliations
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Prior Affiliations
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  • April 24, 2024: Thrilled to announce that I've been awarded Applied Math Summer Research Fellowship.
  • April 18, 2024: Thrilled to announce that my paper "Optimal transport-based network alignment: Graph classification of small molecule structure-activity relationships in biology" is accepted for presentation at the [IEEE EMBC 2024]
  • April 18, 2024: Thrilled to announce that my paper "Contrastive pre-training and multiple instance learning for predicting tumor microsatellite instability" is accepted for presentation at the [IEEE EMBC 2024]
  • March 10, 2024: Thrilled to announce that my paper "Topological adversarial attacks on graph neural networks via projected meta learning" is accepted for presentation at the [IEEE EAIS 2024]
  • February 18, 2024: Thrilled to announce that my paper "Adversarial attack and training for graph convolutional networks using focal loss-projected momentum" is accepted for presentation at the [IEEE ICMI 2024]
  • January 14, 2024: Thrilled to announce that I've been awarded the AMAT Travel Award Fellowship
  • December 05, 2023: Thrilled to announce that I've been awarded the Fall 2023 GSA Travel Award Fellowship [See here] for more details!
  • November 25, 2023: A paper is accepted for presentation at the [IEEE AIMHC 2024]
  • June 10, 2023: A paper is accepted for presentation at the [IEEE ICMLA 2023]
  • September 10, 2023: A paper is accepted for presentation at the [IEEE ICIP 2023]
  • May 06, 2023: Thrilled to announce that I've passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam at the Applied Math Program at University of California Merced
  • May 05, 2023: Thrilled to announce that I've been awarded the LNLL DSC Fellowship [See here] for more details!
  • April 05, 2023: Thrilled to announce that I've been awarded the UCM GSOP Fellowship [See here] for more details!
  • March 10, 2023: A paper is accepted for presentation at the [IEEE MeMeA 2023]